
November 10, 2010

No one should ask the other,
what were you thinking?

No one, that is,
who doesn't want to hear about the past

and its inhabitants,
or the strange loneliness of the present.

--After Making Love, Stephen Dunn

November 08, 2010

November 06, 2010

October 23, 2010

between the horses of love and lust
we are trampled underfoot
--so cruel, U2

October 02, 2010

There is some kiss we want with our whole lives,
the touch of spirit on the body.

September 24, 2010

September 08, 2010

None of us can help the things life has done to us. They're done before you realize it. And once they're done, they make you do other things until at last everything comes between you and what you'd like to be, and you've lost your true self forever...

--Eugene O' Neil, Long Day's Journey Into Night

September 01, 2010

August 11, 2010

O sky you have been
made a canvas for them
who unfurl their flags atop
their castles and plant their
gardens of many
colors though not for the
joy but for the victory
over their conquered

April 26, 2010

age was once when
we were not afraid

to look down from
teetering high or
on the brink of the end

or the beginning, stop
or start, what the hell
anything would do

and we were not afraid
to stare down

barbed wire consequences
of cutting through

unassaulted by experience
swimming naked in the ocean of
what we thought we knew

but that's a shadow
from a sun long
set now the evening's
hunger has laid

the table and the worry
thirst is enough

to keep some of
us bolted to the well.

January 10, 2010

Solve for Ex
to find the distance between here and you
calculate without logic the number we
said we would remember if we divided the
secrets we shared without telling, by the hurts
no number of apologies will undo.