
December 22, 2012

knowledge is a slow burn

December 08, 2012

Question: Do people in russia kiss the police?
Answer: Only when they're angry.

December 05, 2012

The worst of it often is that, while we are in it, we don't want to get out of it. We hate it, and yet we prefer staying in it—that is a part of the disease. If we find ourselves like that, we must make ourselves do something different, go with people, speak cheerfully, set ourselves to some hard work, make ourselves sweat, etc.; and that is the good way of reacting that makes of us a valuable character. The disease makes you think of yourself all the time; and the way out of it is to keep as busy as we can thinking of things and of other people—no matter what's the matter with our self.-William James, to his daughter Peg, from Letters of Note

December 04, 2012

how can you teach anybody how to write

December 02, 2012